Make the Most of Your Time. Reserve Your Online Classes Now.
24 Apr 2020
Make the Most of Your Time. Reserve Your Online Classes Now.
All Mazak courses are currently being held online. Classes typically run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on the final day, which usually ends at 3:00 p.m. For more details, view the full class schedule, and look for additional online class dates in the near future.
Featured Classes
- Advanced CNC and PLC Maintenance for Smooth CNCs – May 5-8
- Horizontal and Vertical Machining Center Maintenance – May 12-15
Our Progressive Learning Program represents an easy way for Mazak customers to build their knowledge base and expand their team’s productivity – and to help you meet your goals in this rapidly shifting business landscape, we’ve expanded our online classes.
Mazak @ Tooling U-SME
Our custom Mazak coursework at Tooling U-SME will prepare your team with self-directed lessons on:
- Basic Program Setup
…and the full catalog of basic manufacturing courses from Tooling U-SME.
Free Online Training
In addition to 60 free days of Tooling U-SME classes for new Mazak customers, join Mazak Software Engineer Neil Desrosiers for a free online training session and learn how to have an immediate impact on your shop with Industry 4.0 – and ensure your future IIoT success. Contact your sales representative to register for one of our classes today.
Classes fill up quickly. To maximize the productivity and profitability of your Mazak equipment, enroll in advance and confirm your seat with a purchase order.