Help for Manufacturers During COVID-19

Help for Manufacturers During COVID-19


POSTED ON 3/27/2020

Dear valued Mazak customers,

I want to begin by saying that we are in this together. Now, I know you’ve likely heard this many times in reference to current conditions, but at Mazak, we take this to heart. We take this to heart not only because we share many of the same challenges you face today as a local manufacturer ourselves, but because we are a family company and in times like these, we believe in showing up for your family. And we will always show up for you.

Ways we can help right now:

  • Support is Close to Home — Due to the critical industries we serve, Mazak is considered an Essential Business. Our eight North American Technology Centers are open and fully operational with associates ready to assist you. With locations across North America, many of which are in driving distance to key manufacturing locations, our network of Technology Centers offers a wide range of services and resources. Additionally, our distributors, which also offer field service and training, are open and able to help you with equipment needs.
  • Parts Are Shipping — Our North American Parts Center is fully stocked and fully operational, shipping 97% of all parts same day. Factory-direct parts specialists are available to answer your questions. Visit us on the web or call 888-4MAZAK1 (888-462-9251).
  • Service Technicians Are Ready to Help — Our service technicians are manning the phones to help you troubleshoot issues, as well as respond to your needs quickly and efficiently in the field. You can count on a guaranteed response to any technical question within 1 hour via our 24/7 phone support system. Visit our website to learn more.